October - Tips of the Month - Aqua Pool & Spa Pros

It is time to start closing down the pools!

Unfortunately summer is over with until next year. It is important when closing down your pool to stop in at least a few days prior and get a water test to help balance your pool’s chemistry. The cleaner you close the cleaner the pool will be when you open this coming spring! Also, by adding Natural Chemistry’s Pool Magic, which is an all natural product made to work in cold water,  containing natural enzymes that help keep the water clear of non-living organics that can contaminate the pool and also minimizes the work when opening the pool. This product also helps preserve the liner and pool finish, as well as reduces the off season waterline buildup. Those with higher phosphates (algae food) should consider using the Pool Magic + Phos Free.

phos free

Spas are made to be used year-round and with this weather getting cooler and cooler, it is a nice time to spice somethings up. We have an array of epsom salt based scents in many different sizes, that dissolve into the water, leaving nothing behind but a subtle scent for you to enjoy.

Come check out our display!

Stress Therapy