May - Tips of the Month - Aqua Pool & Spa Pros

Welcome to the 2020 Season 

If you haven’t gotten in your pool or spa opening form in yet, now is definitely the time too. Our schedule is filling up very fast! But if you have had your pool opened, allow the system to run 24 hours for at least two days to then bring us a water sample.

Yes we are open! Wearing a mask is now mandatory in our store! We are constantly sanitizing, remaining 6ft away from customers, with a limit of 10 people in the store at a time, including our store staff.

In order to have the most accurate testing for your pool or spa, reach into the pool at elbow depth, then fill up your bottle. The same goes for spas. As long as you go a good depth from the surface, the water sample should be fine. Why you do not want take water directly off of the surface of the pool, is because your return/eyeball fitting that pushes the water back into the pool, should be pointed down. Now when that is pointed down it moves the bottom of the pool water which almost creates a sort of tornado movement, so eventually it does move the surface water. Why it is so important to have the return facing down is so when you add chemicals, like shock or pH decreaser, it gets circulated throughout the pool system.

As the temperature increases, it is a great idea to increase your pump time. The more heat and stagnant water there is in a pool, there is more of a chance of algae developing. Which can be a headache by itself to just look at, not to mention try to treat & remove from the pool. Aqua Pool & Spa Pros is here to help either way! If you happen to open up green or darker, doing a super-shock / flocculent to the pool might be necessary in order to kill & remove the inorganics all by using Back to Blue. Taking photos before you come in to the store or calling us is a helpful tool to diagnose what is happening with your pool or spa.

Hoping everyone is staying safe, healthy & happy during these times. Remember we are all strong & will get through this together.