December Tips of the Month! - Aqua Pool & Spa Pros

Hoping everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Now that we have beautiful winter weather, when you want to go out and soak in your spa put your towels in the dryer for about 15 min before you go out. Put them in a hamper or sealed bin to keep in the warmth for when you get out. Trust me it makes a wonderful difference!

Thanksgiving Pool

As for pools, once the infamous Midwest snow hits and stays, then we have a new issue, additional weight on the cover. However to maintain this as easy as possible is literally just leaving the snow on there.. Just make sure it is not pulling the cover into the pool itself. If the snow does start to drag down the cover, just try to remove some of it or simply let it fall into the pool. Once it warms up & the snow is melted, feel free to pump the water off of your cover to insure the least amount of leaves/debris getting into your pool water once opening it for the season. If the cover does wind up in the pool it is no big deal, it will just take a little more elbow grease in the Spring when opening. 

Give us a call if you have any questions! (847) 265-5280

Remember, we are open Mon, Tues, Thurs, Friday from 9am-6pm, Saturday 9am-4pm.

We are CLOSED Wednesdays & Sundays.